Cadre Original
Earlier framework scheme 1830.
Cadre original. Easternstar cadre photo mural cadre photo pele mele cadres photo en bois suspendus décor à la maison cadeaux de mariage d anniversaire de noël décoration etc. Beginn eines dialogfensters einschließlich registerkartennavigation um ein konto zu registrieren oder sich bei einem bestehenden konto einzuloggen. 24 mai 2019 découvrez le tableau cadre photo original de deborahlt 11 sur pinterest. From french cadre literally a frame of a picture 16c so a detachment forming the skeleton of a regiment from italian quadro from latin quadrum a square which related to quattuor four from pie root kwetwer four.
Cadre n permanently organized framework of a military unit the officers etc as opposed to the rank and file 1851.